Hellllloooooo! How are you all? I feel like I've been so absent....I just went back through the last few posts to re-read comments and answer questions. Sorry I was behind! Be sure to check back if you left me a question in the last few days, I should have answered if for you and if not feel free to shoot me an email.
And, welcome new readers! I had many comments to approve this week, from people who had never commented before. Yay! I'm so glad you all are here, and hope you'll keep coming back!
I hope I don't bore you with today's post, because yesterday's eats were all about leftovers! That's what I get for planning dinners that make huge quantities and not freezing any of it. I really need to get better about that...
Breakfast Friday: out with a friend at our favorite breakfast spot, The Bluegrass Grill. I had a veggie omelet made with 3 egg whites, bell pepper, tomatoes, spinach and olives. I also had a small side dish of cheese grits....there's the southern girl in me! I realized as I was sitting at the table after ordering my breakfast that I have a really strange way of thinking about food when I eat out in restaurants. I was looking at the menu, craving either granola or oatmeal, but ordered the omelet and grits instead because it felt more "worth it". Do you know what I mean? Like, I make yogurt and granola at home all the time, so why should I waste money on it in a restaurant when I can get an omelet and grits? I think this is silly, and that I need to start realizing that eating out in a restaurant isn't all about the food, its also about the company you're with and the fact that neither of you had to make breakfast or clean up afterwards, no matter what you order to eat. I'm going to try and remember that next time.
[not sure of the calories, but I'm sure higher than they would be at home because my omelet had a lot of oil in it]
Mid-Morning Snack: the honey whole wheat biscuit I didn't eat with breakfast...I have got to learn to make these!
Lunch: leftover split pea + sausage soup
[375 cal]

Not nearly as pretty as when freshly made, but still just as tasty! PS: you'll be seeing this again.... :)
Afternoon Snack: 1/2 a Clif Iced Gingerbread bar...I only have 1-1/2 left and will be so sad when they are gone!
[125 cal]

When I got home from work last night, totally brain dead, I decided to go for a run. I went to campus and did a 3-1/4 mile loop at about a 10 min/mile pace. I REALLY enjoy my 3-4 mile runs. I've been thinking a lot about long distance running lately, and my training, and have lots to share with you. But not this morning. Soon, I promise. :)
When I got home I did 25 minutes of vinyasa flows...lots of down dogs, chathurangas, warriors, twisted triangles and pigeon. Perfect way to stretch out my hamstrings and hips. :)
Exercise: 3-1/4 mile run, 25 minutes of vinyasa yoga
[about -400 calories]
Dinner: leftover veggie lasagna
[443 cal]

Dessert: snackie bowl with 6oz 0% Fage, 1/2 cup frozen mixed berries, small handful of Annie's Bunnies
[223 cal]

It is such a BEAUTIFUL day here! The high is supposed to be 60*!!! Woohoo!!! I planned to go for a run this morning when I woke up but it was still only 23*, I decided to wait until later when it will be MUCH more enjoyable. :)
What are your plans for today? Unfortunately, I have to work. Boo. I'm getting ready to go to the office, but I have a hair appointment at 2pm so will have to stop working then. After that I'm going for a run, then to the grocery store with my hubb to stock up for the week, and maybe a movie tonight?We'll see. Busy day!
I hope you all have a great Saturday!
And, welcome new readers! I had many comments to approve this week, from people who had never commented before. Yay! I'm so glad you all are here, and hope you'll keep coming back!
I hope I don't bore you with today's post, because yesterday's eats were all about leftovers! That's what I get for planning dinners that make huge quantities and not freezing any of it. I really need to get better about that...
Breakfast Friday: out with a friend at our favorite breakfast spot, The Bluegrass Grill. I had a veggie omelet made with 3 egg whites, bell pepper, tomatoes, spinach and olives. I also had a small side dish of cheese grits....there's the southern girl in me! I realized as I was sitting at the table after ordering my breakfast that I have a really strange way of thinking about food when I eat out in restaurants. I was looking at the menu, craving either granola or oatmeal, but ordered the omelet and grits instead because it felt more "worth it". Do you know what I mean? Like, I make yogurt and granola at home all the time, so why should I waste money on it in a restaurant when I can get an omelet and grits? I think this is silly, and that I need to start realizing that eating out in a restaurant isn't all about the food, its also about the company you're with and the fact that neither of you had to make breakfast or clean up afterwards, no matter what you order to eat. I'm going to try and remember that next time.
[not sure of the calories, but I'm sure higher than they would be at home because my omelet had a lot of oil in it]
Mid-Morning Snack: the honey whole wheat biscuit I didn't eat with breakfast...I have got to learn to make these!
Lunch: leftover split pea + sausage soup
[375 cal]

Not nearly as pretty as when freshly made, but still just as tasty! PS: you'll be seeing this again.... :)
Afternoon Snack: 1/2 a Clif Iced Gingerbread bar...I only have 1-1/2 left and will be so sad when they are gone!
[125 cal]

When I got home from work last night, totally brain dead, I decided to go for a run. I went to campus and did a 3-1/4 mile loop at about a 10 min/mile pace. I REALLY enjoy my 3-4 mile runs. I've been thinking a lot about long distance running lately, and my training, and have lots to share with you. But not this morning. Soon, I promise. :)
When I got home I did 25 minutes of vinyasa flows...lots of down dogs, chathurangas, warriors, twisted triangles and pigeon. Perfect way to stretch out my hamstrings and hips. :)
Exercise: 3-1/4 mile run, 25 minutes of vinyasa yoga
[about -400 calories]
Dinner: leftover veggie lasagna
[443 cal]

Dessert: snackie bowl with 6oz 0% Fage, 1/2 cup frozen mixed berries, small handful of Annie's Bunnies
[223 cal]

It is such a BEAUTIFUL day here! The high is supposed to be 60*!!! Woohoo!!! I planned to go for a run this morning when I woke up but it was still only 23*, I decided to wait until later when it will be MUCH more enjoyable. :)
What are your plans for today? Unfortunately, I have to work. Boo. I'm getting ready to go to the office, but I have a hair appointment at 2pm so will have to stop working then. After that I'm going for a run, then to the grocery store with my hubb to stock up for the week, and maybe a movie tonight?We'll see. Busy day!
I hope you all have a great Saturday!