holiday bootie buster challenge
I'M SO GLAD ITS FRIDAY!!!!!!! Is it just me or was this the longest week ever?!?
So I just discovered Run To The Finish's Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge and am super-excited to participate! I'm a few days late, but luckily I have a blog so I've got a good record of my exercise so far this week (although it doesn't amount to much yet...). Here's my count so far...
Lunch: Leftover Butternut Squash, Kale + White Bean Soup and a handful of Kashi crackers.
Snack: A banana and 1/4 cup of Melissa's Trail Mix, plus a chocolate covered pretzel...I just couldn't leave him out! :)
Dinner tonight was quick and easy. Grocery day is tomorrow which means we are LOW on in we don't have any. We briefly thought about take-out but then I remembered that I picked up some pre-made ravioli at Trader Joe's on Tuesday...perfect dinner in a pinch! I also found some frozen spinach in the freezer...I've never cooked frozen spinach on its own, just put it in sauces etc, so this was a new experience. I just steamed it for 8 minutes, then sauteed some garlic in Earth Balance and added the spinach to the pot. It was just...ok.
Dinner: TJ's Portobello Mushroom Ravioli with TJ's Vodka Sauce and steamed spinach on the side. Also, a GIANT glass of TJ's was a TJ's kind of night!
I told ya...BIG glass of wine. It was a frustrating day at work, what can I say?!?
Dessert: I made a sweet snack bowl with Annie's Honey Bunnies, TJ's pumpkin spice granola and 3 gingersnaps. It was a little dry (obviously) so I added a few spoonfuls of unsweetened applesauce after I snapped the pic.
Tomorrow ends Training Week #7 with a 3 mile run!!! I can't believe we've already finished 7 weeks!!! Crazy. I think the weather will be decent so the hubb and I are planning to meet the group at the UVA track. However, if group one is still run/walking on the track we're going out on the road on our own for several reasons. #1) We are planning to run the full 3 miles after our fabulous 2.7 mile run Wednesday. #2) Running 3 miles on the track sounds like the most boring thing EVER, except for maybe running 3 miles on a treadmill...!
What are your weekend plans? I'm hoping to finish my Christmas shopping/making!!!
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- 12.10.2008: run 2.7 miles = 2.7 points
- 12.10.2008: abs for 15 minutes = .5 points
- 12:11.2008: yoga for 50 minutes = 1.7 points